AdA Project

Research group “Audio-visual rhetorics of affect” - FU Berlin + HPI Potsdam

About the Project
AdA Filmontology
Corpus Metadata
Film-Analytical Annotations
Quick Links
- GitHub Repository
- AdA @ FU Berlin
- Advene Website
- OntoViz
- Corpus Overview
- Annotation Explorer

Corpus Metadata

Image Credits: External content by IMDb/Amazon

The FU Berlin project team compiled a video corpus with feature films, documentaries, television news and web videos on the global financial crisis after 2007 in order to investigate audio-visual rhetorics of affect. Since the films cannot be published for copyright reasons, we offer the semantic metadata of the corpus here.

Structure and Content

The corpus metadata is divided into general film metadata and metadata for video files. Film metadata contains information such as the identifier, title, director and summary of the film. The file metadata contains the exact runtime, the file name and an identifier that was determined by the SHA256 checksum of the file.

The corpus currently contains 404 movies (13 feature films, 76 documentaries, 315 TV news shows). 390 movies are available as transcoded material for analysis.

For example, the metadata for the feature film “The Company Men” is available as follows:

Identifer 60
Title The Company Men
Year 2010
Language English
Writer John Wells
Director John Wells
Runtime 104 min
Abstract The story centers on a year in the life of three men trying to survive a round of corporate downsizing at a major company - and how that affects them, their families, and their communities.
Actors Ben Affleck, Tommy Lee Jones, Chris Cooper, Suzanne Rico
Release date 11.02.2011
Genre Feature Film

The file metadata for the feature film “The Company Men” is available as follows:

Identifer 294704ee3bd55a6888235ae7721120c29522eddd3cc273cc8365fa0eef2ac56d
Filename Wells_John_The_Company_Men.mp4
Duration 6033323 ms


The corpus metadata is encoded as RDF data using existing vocabularies such as the DBpedia Ontology,, and the Linked Movie DataBase. Where appropriate, our resources have been linked to Wikidata and DBpedia entities.

Image RDF metadata

Online Access

As for the ontology, metadata for the corpus can be viewed online in our triplestore. The Corpus resource can be used as an entry point. More examples are listed below:

Feature Film The Company Men Movie URI Media URI
Documentary Occupy Wall Street Movie URI Media URI
TV News Tagesschau 2008-09-08 Movie URI Media URI

We also developed a Corpus Overview Web Application to access the corpus metadata and to download annotation templates for the Advene annotation software.


The corpus metadata is also available for download in our GitHub repository as RDF export in Turtle format.